
Hydrogen is essential to society for its role in the energy transition. It provides clean energy, enables the storage of renewable electricity, powers fuel cell vehicles and plays a key role in the decarbonisation of industry and sustainable mobility.

Its use helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.

Our long experience in transporting this molecule, in gaseous or liquid form, enables us to build optimised supply schemes for commuter traffic, specific operations or situations of tension on production sources.

We rely on the rigour and commitment of all our subsidiaries to ensure continuity of supply and meet the specific requirements of this just-in-time supply chain.

We also hire out our equipment with services including :

How is hydrogen hydrogen delivered?

Our coordinators and operators work daily to optimise the flows entrusted to us.

Our specialist instructors provide regular training and support for our drivers in product, equipment, connection, unloading, procedures and traceability.

The Brun Group delivers hydrogen in containers or Tube Trailers, and has a fleet of very specific equipment:



Our customers